Hidden Messages with Invisible Ink.

This is a fun kitchen science activity to try with your kids! I created an early literacy activity to practice letter matching and beginning sounds, but you could easily modify it based on what your child is learning. Or create invisible pictures and use the turmeric powder mixture to “paint and reveal”!
Baking soda
Turmeric powder*
Rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer
Permanent marker
Paint brush or Q-Tip
Paper (we used cardstock)
Letters (I love this set because it includes upper and lowercase letters and numbers)
Small objects (I love mini language objects like these, but you can use any objects you have or use images printed on paper)
1. Using a permanent marker, draw pumpkins on the paper.
2. Mix baking soda with a little water and use a Q-Tip (or small paint brush) to draw a letter inside each pumpkin.
3. Mix turmeric powder with rubbing alcohol (turmeric is hydrophobic, so will not mix well with water).
4. Using a paint brush, have your child paint each pumpkin with the turmeric mixture to reveal the hidden letter!
5. Once a letter is revealed, have your child say the sound the letter makes and match an object that starts with the letter.
The Science:
Turmeric is a natural pH indicator and will turn red when mixed with a base, like baking soda!
Alternative Ideas:
– This activity is easy to modify based on what your child is learning! For example, your child could match uppercase and lowercase letters. Or, your child could reveal a number and count that many items.
– If you don’t have turmeric, you can write the letters with a white crayon and use watercolor paint for the reveal!
*Turmeric can stain, so I recommend placing your sheet of paper on top of a piece of cardboard (in case the turmeric paint runs through the paper).
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